Israel needs feminist media

For over a decade, Politically Corret has been reshaping the face of Israeli media, redefining the role of journalism and what constitutes "worthy" subjects for coverage, and creating a more equitable society for all of us.

📢 We train and support feminist writers, helping each of them find their unique voice and add it to the public discourse.

📢 We promote in-depth professional coverage of current issues in articles and investigations that bring women's lives to the forefront. We don't tackle a particular issue because it's popular, we make important issues popular for everyone.

📢 We make sure public discussions include women who often don't get a chance to voice their opinions.

📢 We expose the structures, mechanisms, and power systems that perpetuate harm to women from all sectors of society.

Now more than ever, we need a strong, effective, and committed feminist media.

We need your support.