The Secret Trump Card: White Men
Despite outrageous remarks, Donald Trump still retains a wide and loyal base of supporters. What’s his secret, and who are these sure voters? A feminist perspective on the US election.
The Non-Monolithic Latinx Vote
Ahead of the 2020 election, the Latinx vote remained intriguing and unexpected. Orna Raz writes about the intricacy of the most complex, sophisticated, and perhaps most important electorate in US politics
Dr. Jill Biden: The Title that Matters to the Entire Feminist Movement
Women are so easily belittled, even when, like Jill Biden, they’re the First Lady of the United States. She earned the right to use the title of Doctor, but using it is important for us, too: it is a demand that we, as women, take our rightful place.
Amy Coney Barret Threatens Both Women’s Rights and the US Election
In a criticized move that could have influenced the election, Trump fast-tracked Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination. Meanwhile, her conservative stances raise concerns among American women in the post RBG era.
Trump and the Suburbs: 1950 Called
Last July, in a desperate attempt to create a lead, Trump addressed suburban women directly, in the same way Nixon did in the 1960: a threat to their homes. But his threats lost contact not only with reality, but also with voters. A feminist perspective on the US presidential election.
The New Vice-President of the US: Who is Kamala Harris?
For the first time in US history, a black woman holds the office of Vice-President. Everything you need to know about Kamala Harris.