מר סבירסקי | צילום: אינס אוסרוף אבו-סייף

To the edge of sanity

Merav Svirsky closes a year of captivity and struggle

On October 7, Itay Svirsky was kidnapped from his mother's house in Bari. He was held captive with Noa Argamani and Yossi Sharabi – who was killed when a building collapsed. After 99 days in captivity, Itay was shot to death. Of the three, only Noa survived. Merav, Itay's sister, is completing a year of captivity and struggle.

דצמבר 2024 | נועה בורשטיין חדד | 12 דקות

We are not waiting

Moral communities take responsibility and promote public apology processes

מאז ה-7 באוקטובר, עוד לא הוקם שום מנגנון של צדק עבור הנפגעיםות. ותחילתו של הצדק – בלקיחת אחריות ובהתנצלות פומבית של האחראיםות.

אוקטובר 2024 | כתבת אורחת | 9 דקות
כרמל גת

Saving Carmel

How We Almost Brought Carmel Back

For 11 months, Maya Roman was actively involved in the fight to free the hostages, until we were informed of the murder of her relative Carmel Gat, in captivity. Interview about a journey that has come to an end

אוקטובר 2024 | נועה בורשטיין חדד | 11 דקות
יוכבד ועודד ליפשיץ | צילום: עמירם אורן | https://amiramorenbikes.com/

Til the Last of the Hostages

An interview with Daniel Lifshitz, whose grandfather and grandmother were kidnapped to Gaza

Oded Lifshitz, 84, journalist, peace activist and grandfather, is still being held in Gaza. An interview with Daniel Lifshitz, the grandson of Yochaved and Oded who were kidnapped from Nir Oz

יולי 2024 | נועה בורשטיין חדד | 12 דקות

מאחורי המקלדת

Remembering the coup in Argentina by Argentinians living in Israel

Lessons learned on gender crimes against hostages during long-term captivity

Yesterday marked 48 years since the military coup in Argentina and hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets demanding justice for the disappeared and murdered victims. What can be learned from there about us?

יוני 2024 | כתבת אורחת | 7 דקות
צילום: אינס אוסרוף אבו-סייף

The Road From Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

When the Police Become Part of the Demonstration

Far from the public eye, at the same time as the families of the abductees protested demanding a deal, last night trucks were blocked on the road going down from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv under the auspices of the Israel Police and the Israel Defense Forces.

| עדן קלייבן-פקטר | 5 דקות