To the edge of sanity
On October 7, Itay Svirsky was kidnapped from his mother's house in Bari. He was held captive with Noa Argamani and Yossi Sharabi – who was killed when a building collapsed. After 99 days in captivity, Itay was shot to death. Of the three, only Noa survived. Merav, Itay's sister, is completing a year of captivity and struggle.
We are not waiting
מאז ה-7 באוקטובר, עוד לא הוקם שום מנגנון של צדק עבור הנפגעיםות. ותחילתו של הצדק – בלקיחת אחריות ובהתנצלות פומבית של האחראיםות.